The hub for contributing to the '10x Java Developer' nesletter
We're using github to collate all the ideas and suggestions from Java developers and enthusiasts who want to contribute their knowledge and insights towards creating a comprehensive guide for advanced Java development.
'10x Java Developer' is a project aimed at harnessing the collective expertise of the Java community. Your insights can help shape the future of how we become better developers. How we improve our software engineering skills and our teams ability to work together, deliver faster and have fun
The detailed reasons behind the book are here
Since we're trying to crowd-source the wisdom of many people it's likely impractical to split any proceeds from this effort. Our commitment is to recognise every contributor and contribute any net royalties from the sale of this book to (producing the book is unfortunatley not free)
If you have a technique, tip, or any Java-related insight that you believe should be featured, we encourage you to submit your ideas and write-ups here Or come visit us on the Foojay slack (see below) and talk to us.