Contacting us
We all learnt from someone else. Whether mentor, friends, parents. Whoever your role model in life is or was you learnt much more than you might have expected. We want your help to share what you've learnt as a developer, tester, manager, mentor, leader, performance expert, codewarrior, consultant, contractor, open source committer, ceo, cto, appsec, devops ...
Whatever you've learn you're unique - we'd like to tap into your experience. Please help us teach the next generation (and maybe some of the current one) on how to be a better, all round technical professional
If you can spare some time to write one line or one chapter we'll be eternally greatful. And you get get your name in a book (again?)
It's easy - contact us or raise an issue here on what you'd like to contribute and we'll be in touch