10x Java .dev

A crowd-sourced compendium, grimore, manuscript for every developer or engineer who's every wanted to be more

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Elevating Code and Career

We're creating a newsletter that we hope will eventually become a book. A book created to help all developers take one step forward. Created by contributions from people all across the industry, this missive will give everyone a little help and guidence - whether improving their career or even the code they write. Look here for our progress



10xJava Developers care about the code they write, the code they test and debug. They're productive developers but they work as a team. Start here to see what we have (and what we need) for all matters code related - 10xDev style



Code is code. It's just part of the job. There's so much more to being a 10xDev. Find out what else you need to have on your CV and in your heart.

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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia


198 West 21th Street, Suite 721 New York NY 10016

Contact Number

+ 1235 2355 98

Email Address

[email protected]

